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A handsome boy and beautiful girl's Romantic Love story ( How to achieve your dream)

  • Author:lulu
  • Source:www.ic-stocks.com
  • Release on:2016-11-30

The boy kissed the girl for the first time
Fast on the pro-time
The boy suddenly said wait
Girls to wonder
What is he doing?
The boy took out three sugars from his pocket
On the good kind of round
Strawberry Apple Litchi
The boy asked the girl to pick one
The girl pointed to the lychee
Then ask the boy doing what?
The boy apart from anything else immediately torn packaging
Put the sugar to eat
And then pulled the girl over the neck
They kissed
Litchi flavor throughout the stock
Later the boy said to the girl
Life is so long
I do not have the confidence to let you remember me
But since you like to eat lychee-flavored sugar
I can only let you remember
I kiss you is litchi flavor
So that after you eat lychee taste things can think of
I kissed you with the taste
Later the boys and girls separated
But the girl every time when eat litchi taste of things can think of boys
Lychee sugar is also fixed at home
Like a boy would eat one
Just like kissing him
Have the opportunity to want to talk to the boy said
Life is so long I may only remember you for life
Later, the girl has handed over two boyfriends
There is no result
Time can not precipitate
Finally one day
Girls can no longer restrain his share of feelings
She decided to go to the boy
They want to be together
Later, after multi-inquire to know
The boy got a good job after graduation
After one year of work, the boy invested in a candy store, and the girl finally found him one day
Opening the first sentence:
Remember the taste of lychee sugar?
The boy told him with tears
Lychee sugar taste I have not forgotten
Otherwise I would not invest in a candy store
The girl was suddenly moved to reply
Then said:
At that time you quit and almost without money to have meals, but where is the money from to invest in a candy store?
The boy said:
Friends introduce me about LingCheng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd., (http://www.ic-stocks.com/) and later I found they are really good at electronic components, inexpensive, so find them as my electronic components supplier,my job is to chat with customers every day, with Customers talk about electronic components, and later customers are running with me to buy electronic components, repeat customers wave after wave, income every day are good, have the emotions to opened a candy shop, thank my friend had introduced me to the LingCheng Electronic, I would like to thank the trust of the partners with the customers, the most important thing is to thank Ling-electronic,(http://www.ic-stocks.com/) made my dream cames true! 

Contact us if you have any questions or need any help. 

LINGCHENG Makes your dream comes true.

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